Tuesday, November 15, 2011

October Fun

Our heroes - Ironman and Spiderman!
Our heroes - Ironman and Spiderman!

October was a month of fun for Zach and Alex. As I mentioned in the last post, it started out with a couple of visits to the Scarecrow Festival. The end of the month was packed with a trip to the circus, seeing one of their favorite cartoons, Phineas and Ferb from the Disney Channel, in a live show, and their first Cub Scout activities - their first Den meeting and their first Pack meeting where they got to race their own rockets in the Pack's Space Derby.

And then there was that little kid-favorite holiday, Halloween. The boys decided to go as superheroes this year; Alex was Spiderman and Zach was Ironman. They had a costume parade at school, went trick-or-treating at the local businesses downtown and later hit a few homes near a friends' house. We even had a special dinner that night, something we were calling Stuffed Jack 'O Peppers, which were quite tasty!

The boys show their ferocious faces (?) at the zoo
The boys show their
ferocious faces (?) at the zoo

Check out the Sept-Oct 2011 photo album for pics from these events - there are some really good ones in there! You can also check out a visit to the MN Zoo to see the new penguin exhibit after a recent remodel at the zoo in the Nov-Dec 2011 album.


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